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Sustainable Solutions, Expert Consultancy, Innovative Weather and Climate Events



Tom Copping and Celeste Saulo

Varysian CEO, Tom Copping with Secretary General of the WMO, Professor Celeste Saulo. 

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作為一系列實際和虛擬聚會的樞紐,Hydromet Network每年舉辦60多個活動,並作為其活動和數字校園成員的參與者,佔全球天氣和水務部門的80%以上。

Varysian基於事件,網絡和洞察力創建緊密聯繫的社區的經驗導致了一系列外部合作夥伴關係,並創建了我們的數字事件諮詢公司Varysian 20:20。

Varysian 20:20可滿足開發空間中各種第三方客戶的事件需求。我們利用內部專業知識將“現實世界”事件轉換為有效的虛擬聚會,並創建獨特的數字“校園”。

Varysian is proud to announce the release the next issue os the Varysian Guide: Hydrometeorology 

We are extremely grateful to all our contributors willing to share their expertise on recent projects, initiatives and new technology with the global meteorological community.
With this publication our goal, now and always, is to enhance partnerships and collaboration between National Meteorological & Hydrological Services and other industry stakeholders, and support capacity building in the developing world.
We hope you find this a useful resource when working on projects or enhancing forecasting capabilities.
Should you wish to be connected to any contributor or organisation in this guide please contact us at

Bringing together technical expertise
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