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HydrometAFRICA 2024
Irene country lodge hotel

7th - 9th May, 2024

Irene Country Lodge, Pretoria 

HydrometAFRICA 2024 Logo

Why Africa?

According to the African Development Bank, Africa remains one of the continents most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, despite being one of the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases. 


However, climate change also provides opportunities for its 54 countries to achieve their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by harnessing their huge resource potential and  creating an environment for growth and resilience for both markets and people. 


Many of the region’s development goals rely on adequate technical, financial and capacity building support, which is why Varysian is teaming up with local and regional experts at this unique in-person event.

What is HydrometAFRICA?

HydrometAFRICA is a free-to-attend symposium focusing on the advancement of hydrometeorological services across Africa. This gathering unites experts from the continent, fostering collaboration and innovation in weather forecasting and disaster preparedness.

HydrometAFRICA serves as a crucial platform to enhance regional resilience, protect African communities from the impacts of climate variability and find ways to address the unique challenges the region faces. 

The agenda for this symposium is based on research Varysian has conducted into the hydromet community from across the region, as well as high-level focus groups consisting of representatives from national meteorological and hydrological services (NHMS’s), technology providers, academia and financial bodies. 

Who will be there?

Delegates for this symposium are hand selected and spaces are limited to ensure a high level of quality networking and collaboration. As important facilitators in the capacity-building process, Varysian ensures that NHMS’s from the region are well-represented, with over 20 directors or technical directors present at this event. 


Representatives from other relevant government bodies, academia, technology providers and NGO’s will also be in attendance, making this symposium a great opportunity for collaboration and knowledge sharing in the region.

How can I attend?

Unable to attend in-person? 

All sessions will be recorded and available to watch on-demand on the Varysian Hydromet Network.

The agenda

This agenda has been developed and based on results of a survey of all stakeholders from the continent to identify key challenges, initiatives and themes. These were then discussed over several focus group sessions to further elaborate talking points and presentation topics.


This is a working agenda and may be subject to changes.

Event Partners

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Meteorage Logo
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Sommer Logo
Kisters logo
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Gamic logo
OTT Hydromet logo
ESRI logo Logo
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